Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ph.D. 4 U

It would appear that you can buy more then used underwear and body parts online. It would appear that you can now purchase a nice shiny new Ph.D. as well. Why mess with spending large amounts of time learning things and taking tests when you can write “one 2000 word paper” and cough up $3500 and be done with it? That is what Laura L. Callahan did, and it landed her several cushy high paying jobs for almost 2 decades. Ironically, if she had treated her people a little better, she probably would have continued to get away with it. First rule of scamming: Don’t treat the people you are trying to scam like crap. Well, I just made that up, but if there were a set of rules, that one should be in there.

Now, many of you know I am very critical of the MLS degree. I think it is too easy to get. I think that the ease with which one can achieve this degree, lessens the value of it to all. After reading about the degree mills, I feel a little better. At least librarians have to write dozens of such papers and shell out 8x the bucks. However, If it were not for the GRE requirements to enter, anybody could get into library school. As we all know, once into library school, you have to be colossally stupid or run out of time to churn out papers to get kicked out. Library Schools are Degree Mills? Not quite, but closer then any of us would like to admit.

Monday, March 3, 2008

First Blog

This is just a test blog, to see if any of this high tech doo-daddery works like I think it should. Odds are it will, but until I clicky that posty we will not know for sure. Wish me luck.