Saturday, August 29, 2009

Another Warrant Issued - Strange Bias Continues

It happened again, somebody got into trouble with the law for stealing library books. This time it is 21 year old Victoria Rogers. You can read about it here and here.

And yet again, there is a clear bias against the library for putting a warrant out for a poor single mother. This just chaps my ass. If single mom had just so happened to forget a DVD in her purse from Wal Mart, the same thing would happen. So why is keeping a library book permanently any different? Some of you may be thinking "because she paid for the book with tax money so it is hers already!". Well, yes and then no. Yes, she did pay for the book, but you conveniently left off how much of the book she paid for. Lets examine that for one second....

The City of Killeen Public Library brings in $1,294,710 a year. City population is 102,003. That is about $12.70 per year per person goes to the library... or about $1 a month. The library has a materials budget of about $157,840 a year. There are 102,012 items in the library. So every person spends about $1.57 a year on books. Lets just keep it simple and assume every book is replaced every 5 years. That gives us an inventory value of about $789,200. Divide that by the number of people in Killeen and you have $7.73 which is the amount each citizens has invested in the total collection specifically. Therefore Victoria owns about $0.009 of the book she stole ($7.73/$789,200). We can round up to 1 cent to keep it easy.

Yep, she paid for 1 cent of the book. I think that pretty much proves it is a collective book and not her own. Not that anyone was debating this fact.

I read her case closely, and it seems there was indeed another party involved, her ex husband. It seems this stellar individual went ahead and kept all the communication from the library a secret from his ex wife. I guess the moral to this story is fill out a change of address form as soon as you move out of your ex's house.

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