Friday, August 7, 2009

Bomb Blown way Out of Proportion

I have seen patrons get upset about fines they have generated, but this individual takes it to a whole new level. Tonya Butts managed to rack up some fines for keeping her materials out too long. Instead of throwing a hissy fit at the volunteers running the front counter, she instead went ahead and issued a bomb threat.


There are couple fascinating facets to this story. I would like to start with the mental logic used by this Butt. I just cannot grasp how one makes the leap from "I was late with some books, so I may complain" to "I am going to go ahead and do something that will for sure get me arrested, making things 10x worse". But she did it. And it did.

Second, the manner in which she issued the bomb threat is quite unique. Normally, to make a proper bomb threat, you call it in. That way, the odds of you getting arrested decrease significantly. What you don't typically do is trot on in there all uppity and submit it at the counter personally. She did. Hard core! ...and she was promptly arrested with $3500 bond.

There was never a bomb.

She should do what everyone else does....

smear fecal material all over the bathroom walls or pee into the book drop.

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